X Explores Link Blocking in Tweet Replies

X Explores Link Blocking in Tweet Replies

X is reportedly working on a way to block the use of links in replies.

According to independent app researcher Nima Owji, the new feature would allow users to check a box if they don’t want people to be able to include a link in their replies to a particular post. Engadget first noticed Owji’s tweet explaining the feature.

While the feature might seem unnecessary for some average users, it could be a very welcome one for accounts that are often spammed with bot replies or replies trying to direct readers elsewhere.

However, for readers, it could potentially lead to the further spread of misinformation on the site, given that users will not be able to respond to posts boasting incorrect claims with links to news stories that debunk them.

Owji has been right about several other features that have come to the social network over the past year, so while technically not confirmed; it seems likely we’ll see that “Disable Links in Replies” button drive sometime soon.

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